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Understanding Donut's ROI Calculator

Donut's ROI calculator can help you understand the value of automating key programs through Donut.

Carrie Biggar avatar
Written by Carrie Biggar
Updated over 5 months ago

ROI Calculations

If you are interested in understanding more about what went into the math, you can check out some of our additional info below. This calculator is designed to help you understand how automating key programs can ultimately save you time in the long run.

Current Headcount

This is your organizations current headcount.

Total Headcount End of Next Year

Expected headcount at the end of next year?

Reduced Ramp Time Savings

If new hires had greater clarity during their first few weeks, this is how much sooner they could reach full productivity? Conservative estimate: Each employee could become productive one day earlier.

Attrition (%)

According to a LinkedIn study, the average turnover in tech companies is about 13%

Avg HR Onboarding Specialist Salary

According to benchmark data, the average salary for people operation roles in the US is $70,000. If your organization does not have a role similar, please use the average salary for a comparable role in your calculations.

Average Annual Employee Salary

Dice reports the average salary in the tech industry is $112,335, however please adjust to meet your organization's average salary.

Hiring Manager Onboarding Hours Per Hire

Estimate the hours a New Hire's Manager spends on manual tasks per hire. We use 5 as a conservative estimate based on our own user feedback, but this varies based on organization and industry.

HR’s Onboarding Hours Per Hire

Estimate the hours HR (or whatever role is responsible for this function) spends on manual tasks per hire. We use 3 as a conservative estimate, but this varies based on organization and industry.

HR’s Offboarding Hours Per Departure

Estimate the hours HR (or whatever role is responsible for this function) spends on manual tasks during offboarding per departure. We use 3 as a conservative estimate, but this varies based on organization and industry.

Based on your inputs, we then come up with the following calculations:

Total Headcount Needed

This adds your attrition headcount with your projected headcount.

New Hires Needed

We account for your estimated attrition and growth to understand the total number of New Hires you'll be onboarding in the coming year. Not only will you have new roles, but you'll also have backfill. For example, if you have 400 current headcount and are projected at 650 with a 13% Attrition rate, you'll be estimated to lose 52, but would have needed 250 not accounting for attrition. This means, you would need a total of 302 New Hires.

HR Onboarding Specialist Time Saved (hrs) for New Hires

We multiply the number of New Hires you'll need by the estimated hours saved per New Hire to get a total hours saved number.

HR Onboarding Specialist Time Saved (hrs) for Attrition

We multiply the number of New Hires you'll need by the estimated hours saved per Departure to get a total hours saved number.

Manager Time Saved (hrs)

We multiply the number of New Hires you'll need by the estimated hours a Manager saves per New Hire.

HR Onboarding Specialist Cost Savings (New Hires)

We take the total hours saved that we calculated earlier and multiply that by the Onboarding Specialist salary which has been divided by 2080.

HR Onboarding Specialist Cost Savings (Offboarding)

We take the total hours saved that we calculated earlier and multiply that by the Onboarding Specialist salary which has been divided by 2080.

Manager Cost Savings

We take the total hours saved that we calculated earlier and multiply that by the Manager salary which has been divided by 2080.

New Starter Productivity Savings

We take the average employee salary and divide by 365, which is multiplied by the number of ramp hours and then by the number of New Hires Needed.

All of the above calculations then produce the average time savings for both Ramp Time and People resources that you will be able to automate using Donut.

Note: These are only estimates and results will vary by organization and how much you choose to automate through Donut. If you still have questions, just hit that purple icon at the bottom! Our team will be happy to help.

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