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Donut’s Widget for FigJam

Donut's collaboration with Figma

Carrie Biggar avatar
Written by Carrie Biggar
Updated over a week ago

Donut has created a FigJam widget to help break the ice with colleagues before a FigJam session. Now your team can get the ideas flowing with quick brainstorm activities and games, prompted by Donut’s widget and accessed right within FigJam.

Never heard of FigJam? FigJam is an online whiteboard for teams to ideate and brainstorm together. FigJam and Figma live side-by-side, so all design work, from ideation to execution, can be found in one place. FigJam fosters brainstorming environments for ideation, sharing, and discovery. Teammates can map user flows, processes, systems and more. Plus, it’s a great tool for making get togethers and workshops with teammates more visual and collaborative.

Want to learn more about FigJam? Click here to watch a short overview video.

How to access FigJam

To access FigJam, you’ll need to create a login account at Figma here:

FigJam can then be accessed through a browser or through Figma’s app.

Using Donut’s FigJam Widget

Donut’s FigJam widget only works within FigJam. To access the widget, you’ll want to click the three dots on the bottom right of the screen. Then, click on “Widgets.”

From the widgets menu, you can type in “Donut” or scroll down to find Donut and select a brainstorming activity.

*Please note: The Donut widget does not talk to or connect with Donut in Slack.

Mini Exercises

There are currently 9 mini exercises available and are split into 3 subsections:

  • Creative warm ups:

    • Alternate uses - Think of different ways to use an everyday object. Write your ideas on sticky notes, then take turns sharing your ideas.

    • Drawsome - Each player takes turns drawing something they choose based on a topic while others guess what the drawing is.

    • Wild Ideas Only - Think of wild ideas to solve a problem. Write them on sticky notes, then take turns sharing your ideas.

  • Share and Tell

    • Favorite Things - Learn about your teammates by sharing your Favorite Things!

    • Social Standup - Fun discussion topics to help you get to know your team.

    • Watercooler - Pick a random topic to discuss together!

  • Design Thinking

    • 8 minutes, 8 ideas - Brainstorm 8 ideas for a problem of your choice. Write your ideas on sticky notes, then take turns sharing your ideas.

    • Round Robin - The group decides on a topic. Donut will generate a random sequence with the folks logged on so they know when it’s their turn to share ideas or answers.

    • Like, Wish, Wonder - Give feedback in a constructive way. Share a like, a wish, a wonder about a topic of your choice.

Questions? Feedback?

If you have any questions related to FigJam you can contact them at

🍩 If you have any questions about the Donut widget you can email us at or hit the purple Intercom button in the bottom right corner of the screen and we’ll get back to you soon!

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