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Donut for Slack
Donut for Slack

Learn about how you can leverage Intros, Onboarding, Watercooler, and Celebrations to boost efficiency and team morale

Donut's HomepageA centralized view of important Donut metrics, news and actionable tasks to help ensure you have key insights into your Donut programs.
Features, Pricing, and Privacy FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions around billing, admin controls, and privacy.

How Donut Billing WorksLearn how to edit your billing details, add a credit card, access invoices and other billing options in this article.
Donut Pricing: Free, Standard, PremiumWondering how Donut pricing works? Here's a more detailed look at plans and packages.
Understanding Donut's PricingLearn about important topics like active users and prorations in this video guide.
Donut: Data Access, Security, and PrivacyLearn more about Donut's information security and user privacy practices.
Starting a Standard Free TrialHere is what you can expect during your 14-day free trial of Donut's Standard Plan.
Donut Watercooler Topics: Free PlanWith our free version, your Watercooler channel will include 12 topics that will recycle once used.
Who can view and adjust billing info, invoices, and add new channels to our Donut account?Learn about billing admin permissions, how to add other account admins, transfer ownership and who can create new channels on your account.
Sales Tax FAQsDonut is required to assess applicable taxes as required by local laws. Paid plans sold by Donut may be subject to tax in certain areas.
How much does it cost for Donut Watercooler channels?Wondering about pricing for Watercooler and how it will impact your team's bill? We break it down here.
I have questions about my bill.Read on for FAQs around bills and receipts.
Get a Demo of DonutLooking for a demo? We've got resources galore including videos and FAQs right here.
Can I pay for just my team?How to set up payment for just your team's specific Donut channels, without paying for the entire workspace.
Signing into Donut’s websiteIncluding tips for people with multiple Slack accounts
Why Can't I Give Guest Users Admin Access?Learn more about how Slack's sign in restrictions impact Donut access for guest users.
How do I start my Donut subscription?Learn how to start a subscription to Donut's Standard or Premium Plan and set up your credit card payments.
Free Plan: FAQsFind out what's included and get answers to the most frequently asked questions about Donut's Free Plan.
How Does Donut Handle Time Zones?Donut is actually a time machine disguised as an onboarding tool.
Starting a Premium Free TrialHere's what you can expect during your 14-day free trial of Donut's Premium Plan.
FAQ for Donut Participants

Frequently asked questions for Donut participants

Donut’s Widget for FigJamDonut's collaboration with Figma
Can I adjust my working hours for the calendar integration?Learn how to change the hours Donut scans on your calendar to find available times between you and your teammates.
For participants: getting started with DonutCheck out our list of FAQs and how-to's for Donut participants
How do I use Microsoft Outlook to schedule my Donut meeting?
How do I start my meeting with Donut's Zoom integration as an individual Donut participant?How do I use Zoom for video chats in my Donut meetings as an individual Donut participant?
What are Donut Intros? How does Donut work?Discover how to quickly implement and schedule Donut Intros.
How do I tell Donut that we met?Donut keeps a history of past Donut Intros and marks whether or not you were able to meet
How can I opt out of Donut intros?If you'd like to stop receiving Intros from Donut, here are your options.
Can I prevent Intros to specific people?Here's how to stop receiving Intros to a manager or a direct report you work closely with (and know well).
Can I choose my own Intro frequency?If you're looking to receive Intros more or less frequently, here are your options.
How do I use Google Calendar to schedule my Donut meeting?Learn how to sync your Google Calendar and start using our integration to instant-book your Donut meetings with teammates.
What happens when one person isn't available to meet?
Can I Opt Out of Intros, But Stay in the Intro Channel?Sometimes you may want to be present, but not be introduced to others. Here's how to remain in the channel but opt out of intros.