Editing a Journey changes the date and timing of messages for everyone receiving that Journey—but what if you know that one of your managers is sick and will be back next week? Or that one new hire out of an entire class shouldn't receive a particular message?
It's easy to reschedule, rearrange or delete messages for individual employees without impacting when everyone else is receiving their messages. Here are the steps:
Go to the New Hires tab, and search for or select the class containing the new hire, buddy, or manager using the purple arrow to the right of the screen.
Find the new hire (or the new hire associated with the manager or buddy) you're looking to edit, and hit the purple arrow next to their name to open up their message calendar.
You'll see a calendar of individual messages. Scroll to find ones that are scheduled (rather than already delivered) to find the one you're looking for.
If you're looking to reschedule a message, select the message and drag/drop onto another day. If you're looking to delete a message, select the message and drag towards the trash can that appears in the bottom center of the screen.
Pro Tip: You can now copy Journeys messages by hovering your mouse over a message and clicking the more actions icon
, then Duplicate.
That's it! Happy editing 😃
If you have any questions or feedback, click the purple Donut button on the bottom right of your screen to open up a chat with our support team!